The Magician's Hidden Library Magic Words: A Dictionary

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c ter the third clap, the curtains are drawn asunder, and -- lo, and behold! -- the performer himself emerges free, but in his shirt sleeves, i.e., minus the borrowed coat. On the trunks being opened, the lady is discovered tied and sealed in the sack only three seconds ago occupied by the performer. She is handcuffed (hands behind) with the same irons, and -- miracle of miracles -- she is wearing the same borrowed coat, and all seals are intact."1 Clatto Verata Nicto (see also Barrada Nikto) Origins: This phrase makes reference to "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto," used to command the robot Gort in the film The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). Facts: These magic words are used to claim the Book of the Dead in the film Army of Darkness (199 ). Close Your Fingers and Cross Your Eyes Facts: These words begin a spell to create a rabbit in the Bewitched television series. The spell continues: "Get Ready for a Big Surprise; The Rain Is Dry, the Night Is Sunny; Hold and Behold a Cottontail Bunny!" The spell to get rid of a rabbit is as follows: "Close your fingers and cross your eyes. Get ready for a new surprise. Bats in the belfry, pigs in a poke. Lose this bunny before I choke." Club in a Sack Mystique: Club in a sack recalls the fertility rites associated with early magic, the club symbolizing the male reproductive organ, the sack symbolizing the womb, and the two joined in sacred union. In Literature: • "[The] youngest brother [in the Grimm fairy tale 'The Magic Table, the Golden Donkey, and the Club in the Sack'] becomes a wood-turner, but his reward, upon completing his apprenticeship, is neither food nor money; instead, it is a 'club in a sack.' Whenever the owner of this enchanted object utters these magic words, a club immediately jumps out of the bag and, prancing around, begins to beat mercilessly anyone who happens to be standing nearby." -- Valerie Paradiz, Clever Maids: The Secret History of the Grimm Fairy Tales (2005) 1 Ellis Stanyon, Magic (190 )
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