The Magician's Hidden Library Magic Words: A Dictionary

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S 99 and do exactly what has been instructed. The magic word is . . . 'Shubismack.'" 8 Shuffle Duffle Muzzle Muff In Literature: • "'Then I must think of some magic words!' groaned the King. 'Oh, what are those words my magicians say . . . ? Shuffle . . . duffle . . . muzzle . . . muff ..." -- Dr. Seuss, Bartholomew and the Oobleck (1949) The potent and magical silence. -- Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River (19 5) "I must give you one caution," she went on, as they entered the house. "It's the same that the magicians give to those who are present at their incantations. Be careful not to pronounce sacred words." "But don't they use them?" "Oh, abundantly; but they know how to use them in a fashion understood only by the initiated, so that they are harmless." -- Arlo Bates, The Puritans (1899) Mystique: "Silence is at once the most harmless and the most awful thing in all nature," said Herman Melville. "It speaks of the Reserved Forces of Fate. Silence is the only Voice of our God. Nor is this so august Silence confined to things simply touching or grand. Like the air, Silence permeates all things, and produces its magical power, as well during that peculiar mood which prevails at a solitary traveler's first setting forth on a journey, as at the unimaginable time when before the world was, Silence brooded on the face of the waters" (Pierre, Or the Ambiguities [1852]). In Literature: • "He heard something snap loudly in the fiery stillness. She had broken her fan. Two thin pieces of ivory fell, one after another, without a sound, on the thick carpet, and instinctively he stooped to pick them up. While he groped at her feet it occurred to him that the woman there had in her hands an indispensable gift which nothing else on earth could give; and when he stood up he was penetrated by an irresistible belief in an enigma, by the conviction that within his reach and passing away from him was the very secret of existence -- its certitude, immaterial and precious! She 8 Xilan Horidre (2000)
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