The Magician's Hidden Library Magic Words: A Dictionary

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A Adarakadabara In Literature: • "Magus waved his hooves and spoke the ancient magic word, 'Adarakadabara!'" -- Clever Clover, "Magical Pony Girl Enchantment," My Little Pony Monthly (2002) Adi, Edi, Idi, Odi, Udi, Oo-i-oo Idu, Ido, Idi, Ide, Ida, Woo Common Magician's Applications: Dove production. In Literature: • "He came out of his throne to stand before the Shaggy Man, and then he waved his hands, palms downward, in seven semicircles over his victim's head, saying in a low but clear tone of voice the magic wugwa: 'Adi, edi, idi, odi, udi, oo-i-oo! Idu, ido, idi, ide, ida, woo!' The effect of this well-known sorcery was instantaneous. Instead of the Shaggy Man, a pretty dove lay fluttering upon the floor, its wings confined by tiny cords wound around them." -- L. Frank Baum, Tik-Tok of Oz (1914) Adiatmoaamvpmsciccajfz In Literature: • "I have no idea how long it takes to summon the devils. I have no grimoire, no magic textbook. I have only my purity of soul and my one magic word, the word that calls all demons. The villagers have told me that I will see horrible sights. Everyone seems to be an expert on devils. Everyone but me. Nevertheless, I know I am prepared. I whisper. 'Adiatmoaamvpmsciccajfz.' I expect to whisper many times. But before my tongue can relax from the sibilance of the final z, a face appears before me." -- Donna Jo Napoli, The Magic Circle (199 ) Aeeiouo (see also ye ye ye woopy a e i o u bang bang fling flang) Mystique: The Egyptians believed in "the power of language to affect the world. Words, spoken or written, were not just symbols, but realities
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